Here’s just a few examples of the way we have worked with clients. 

Client A, a major multinational company, regularly trains local management around the world in crisis procedures. We have developed a number of finely-tuned and relevant scenarios and, working with a blue chip team of crisis trainers, use STORM, an innovative crisis training simulator we have developed to develop teams, with vital insights into how to handle a crisis or a major reputational problem.

Client B, a family caught in the media crossfire, needed strategic support and urgent help to recover their reputation. We offered coaching, media handling support and advice that made a difference in the first three months after their crisis broke.

Client C trains and advises governments and scientific organisations about communications. We provide background research and focused media questions to support hard-hitting training programmes.





Client D had spent weeks looking at a blank page trying to get a business proposition down. We nailed the story in the first draft

Client E is working to make a major change to the way menopause is treated in the workplace. We developed a website and social media campaign that has attracted many thousands of followers. Our client has appeared on a number of high-profile radio and TV news programmes and is now working with government figures in the next stage of her campaign.

Client F, a logistics manager with a wide-ranging brief worried about having to handle media enquiries. After a four-hour tuition session from us, she was very much more confident and ready to take charge.

Client G needed key managers who sometimes had to front press conferences to simulate being asked questions by journalists. A short course made them more relaxed about the next press conference.